
BAC's core team has been working together since 2004. The team comprises Agus Sugianto, Agus Sugiono, Dwi Priyo Jatmiko and Jasmin Abd Rabbo who graduated with a degree in architecture from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

BAC mobilizes skilled tradesmen and workers from Java, many of whom have become part of its trusted workforce as they have been involved in the various projects that BAC completed.

Agus Sugianto

Project Supervisor
Languages: Indonesian, English
To his friends, Mr Agus Sugianto is better known as Pak Ogik. From a family of traders, Pak Ogik decided to do something new, and he attended Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember to do a course on ship building. In 2000, Pak Ogik and his family moved from Java to Bali. His first project in Bali was the renovation of the Bali Bird Park, and thereafter Pak Ogik took on various renovation and construction projects.

Jasmin Abd Rabbo

Languages: German, English, Dutch, Indonesian
Daughter of a German mother and an Egyptian father, married to a Dutchman, and a long-term resident of Bali, Jasmin embodies the spirit of a multi-cultural society. Born and raised in Hamburg, Germany, Jasmin studied architecture at the FH Hamburg. Before studying architecture, Jasmin was trained in constructional design at the building authority of the city of Hamburg and worked 5 years there as a technical designer. She moved to Bali in 2000. Jasmin has been with BAC from the beginning. Her passion is to blend Arabic, Balinese, and western elements into comfortable and functional designs.


Project supervisor
To his friends, Mr Dwi Pryo Jatmiko is better known as Pak Pryo. Pak Pryo attended Politeknik Brawijaya Malang, where he obtained a D3 degree in civil engineering. In 1999, Pryo moved from Java to Bali where he worked for a large general contractor providing on-site supervision of villa construction projects. Seeking an opportunity to more directly interact with clients, Pak Pryo joined BAC in 2006. Pak Pryo spends most of his time on-site, where he supervises workers and keeps track of progress.

Agus Sugino

Better known as Pak Suga.
Language: Indonesian, English
Project logistic
Studied Economie at Universitas Mahammayah, in Jember, from 1987-1992. Worked in management production for export 10 years long (1993-2003).